The “Airbnb Tax” referred to the European Court

Italian Council of State refers Airbnb’s appeal to the ECJ Airbnb has recently written to its hosts to say that the Italian Council of State has decided to refer to the European Court of Justice  the issues raised in Airbnb’s appeal against the ruling of […]

ISA (Summary Reliability Indices) – What are they?

With the establishment of the “Indici sintetici di affidabilità” – ISA’s or Summary Reliability Indices, the Italian Tax Agency aims to “facilitate the compliance of tax obligations and encourage the spontaneous emergence of taxable income.” These indices form part of a wider initiative for Italian […]

VAT refunds – Deadline is 30 September 2019

EU Directive 2008/9/EU (implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree no. 18/2010) allows VAT registered businesses that incur costs in countries that are members of the European Union (and Switzerland, Norway, Israel and the Principality of Monaco, thanks to reciprocal agreements) to request refund of VAT […]

The Double Whammy

What is the double whammy in Italian tax? The “double whammy” is what hits new businesses in the second year after start-up. No tax in your first year You pay no tax in your first year of operations but the tax due for that first […]

Italy Tax Guide

Below is out guide in pdf format which you can download.   This is a very general guide and only intended to give some basic background information. It should not be seen as a substitute for specific advice. 

IVIE & IVAFE – Wealth Tax on Foreign Property

Increase in IVIE and IVAFE Starting from FY 2024, the rate of  IVIE,  the tax on the value of foreign (non Italian) real estate located abroad, will increase from 0.76% to 1.06%.  This increase applies generally to all real estate situated outside Italy by a […]

Request an Italian Fiscal Code Number

We have teamed up with ILF Law Firm  to offer the service of obtaining your Italian Fiscal Code Number (codice fiscale).   Read on for more details. Obtain your Italian Fiscal Code Are you a foreigner requiring an Italian fiscal code? Look no further than […]

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