Second payment on account

By 30 November of each year, Italian taxpayers must make payment of the second payment on account. The first payment was due earlier in the year at the same time as the tax due on income reported in your latest annual tax return.  The amount […]

Tax credit for employment income

Italy has no personal relief nor (any longer) a no-tax zone.  This means that you start paying income (at 23% – see the marginal rates here) of the first euro of income.  However Italy has an intricate system of tax credits (described as “deduzioni” – […]

Our Italian Tax Return and Payment Support Service

Modello Redditi PF The tax return is called “PF” standing for Persone Fisiche (individuals). Modello in Italian means “Form”. The PF form is for use by individuals who are not able to present the simplified tax return (the modello 730) or who having filed a 730, need to report foreign income […]

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