National Identification Code (CIN) for Short-Term Rentals

What is the CIN? The CIN (Codice Identificativo Nazionale) for short-term rentals is a requirement introduced by Article 13 of Decree Law No. 145 of December 18, 2023 (known as the “Decreto Anticipi”). This law mandates the assignment of a National Identification Code (CIN) for […]

Tax reliefs for Building Renovation Works – 2024

What are they? Ā  It is important to note that each tax relief has specific eligibility criteria, timings, deadlines and requirements, so consultation on any specific works with a professional (in the first instance a Geometra or Architetto) is essential in order to determine which […]

Land Registry Categories ā€“ Residential Property

The Land Registry Category is an important variable in determining the tax payable in respect of real estate.  All registered property in Italy is assigned a category. You can see the assigned category for a particular category by getting hold of land registry extract or […]

Tax Relief for a New Air Conditioner

As the summer heatwave starts to make itself felt, we turn to air conditioning systems. The price of air conditioning kit continues to fall but given that for, fixed systems, at least, professional help with installation is a must, the cost can be expensive. The […]

IVIE Tax Base Post Brexit

Brexit has had a potentially expensive impact for Italian tax residents owning real estate in the UK.Ā  Italian tax residents are required to pay a wealth or ownership tax on foreign (ie. non Italian) real estate (unless the property is owned and occupied as a […]

Taxes on Second Homes in Italy

A second home in Italy If you have bought a house in Italy, but do not intend to live in it as your habitual abode, it will be considered a second home and not an “abitazione principale” or “prima casa” (main home). Under Italian law, […]

Table of Main Registration Taxes in Italy

This is a (very) simplified table of the registration taxes due on certain documents.Ā  The tax office will apply the tax according to the substance of the effect that the document has, not the form.  

Real Estate – Tax FAQ’s

Does 7% flat tax regime apply to pensioners residing in the South in receipt of 401K and social security payments? The technical explanation to the US/Italy double tax treaty (at p.58) states that that distributions fromĀ  qualified plans under section 401(a), individual retirement plans (including […]

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