Tax Relief for the Purchase of Furniture and Household Appliances
What is the Tax Relief? Italy’s recent Finance Law for 2020 extended the tax credit equal to 50% of a maximum of ā¬10,000 of expenditure for furniture and household appliances in connection with buildings subject to renovation.Ā The relief applies to expenditure during the course

Do I need to file an Italian Tax Return?
The answer is most probably yes as the reader will desume from reading the instructions from the Italian tax return (these are from the 2023 return). The rules are complex and there are many exceptions and derogations. The rules can be summarised as follows, but

The Cassetto Fiscale – Fisco Online
What is it? The cassetto fiscale, literally “tax box”, is a service offered by the Italian Government that allows consultation ofĀ a taxpayer’s tax information, such as personal data on the Tax agency database information data of tax declarations information on tax refunds tax payments

The SPID – Italian digital identity
What is it? The Public Digital Identity System, or SPID (pronounced “speed”) which started life in March 2016, is an online identity system.Ā Through a single user name and password along with a one time password generated via a smart phone, individuals with an Italian
Petrol/Gas coupons
Decree Law no. 21/2022 (the “Ukraine” Decree) provides, for FY 2022, for the possibility of giving employees with up to Euro 200 worth of petrol coupons. Up to that limit the monetary amountĀ provided is exempt from Italian social security contributions and income tax. The

The Italian Fiscal Code Number
The Fiscal Code Number (Codice Fiscale, Italian taxpayers’ identification number, TIN, tax code, call it what you like) is a unique taxpayer code that identifies all individuals in their dealings with the Italian authoritiesĀ […]