National Identification Code (CIN) for Short-Term Rentals

What is the CIN?

The CIN (Codice Identificativo Nazionale) for short-term rentals is a requirement introduced by Article 13 of Decree Law No. 145 of December 18, 2023 (known as the “Decreto Anticipi”). This law mandates the assignment of a National Identification Code (CIN) for all residential units used for tourist rental contracts, including short-term rentals under Article 4 of Decree Law No. 50 of April 24, 2017 (which includes rentals through platforms like Airbnb etc.). The CIN also applies to hotel and non-hotel tourist accommodation.

The CIN represents a significant change for Italy’s short-term rental and tourism industry, as it will replace the existing regional identification codes. The CIN and related property data will be entered into a national database of all tourist accommodations in Italy. This national database is designed to improve data integration at both local and national levels, facilitate synergies between authorities, and enhance monitoring and enforcement against illegal rentals.

Once obtained, the CIN must be displayed in every rental property. Registered operators will be able to use the CIN to view information about the properties they manage, update information, and report any issues.

The obligation to obtain and display the CIN will take effect on January 1, 2025.
Failure to comply with this requirement could result in fines ranging from €800 to €8,000 for not having a CIN and €500 to €5,000 for failing to display it on the premises.

How to Obtain the CIN

The CIN can be obtained through a specific process on the Ministry of Tourism’s web portal .

The procedure differs based on whether the property owner or manager is an Italian citizen or resident in possession of a SPID (digital identity), or a non-resident non Italian .

At, we offer a specialized service for non-resident foreign individuals who rent out properties in Italy. To take advantage of our service, you will need to provide specific information about you and the properties you are renting or plan to rent.

To obtain the CIN it is necessary to already have a CIR (Regional Identification Code), except for the regions that have not established it, namely: Basilicata, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise, Toscana and Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.
If the real estate have/don’t need the CIR, but it is not registered in the portal, it will be necessary to report the no-registration and wait 30 days for the records to be updated, after which will be possible to apply for the CIN.

Contact Us for More Information/Support

If you are interested in this service or need more information, please contact us, and we will provide you with all the details you need to obtain your CIN. This blog post has more information on the tax and other obligations for landlords renting Italian property.

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