The Italian Fiscal Code Number

The Fiscal Code Number (Codice Fiscale, Italian taxpayers’ identification number, TIN, tax code, call it what you like) is a unique taxpayer code that identifies all individuals in their dealings with the Italian authorities  […]

Working in Italy as an Employee of a Foreign Company

Working as an employee full time in Italy If you are an employer outside Italy and thinking of hiring an employee in Italy, the legal, tax and social security ramifications can be complex. Liability of the employer to Italian social security If the employee is […]

Hiring an Employee – the Permanent Establishment risk

A non-Italian business considering employing an individual in Italy needs to consider whether the activities carried on by an Italian based employee in Italy create a corporate income tax (IRES) liability on the profit attributable those activities. Foreign corporations with a “permanent establishment” (or fixed […]

TFR – the Trattamento di Fine Rapporto or Employee Leaving Indemnity

What is the TFR? Employment agreements in Italy are generally governed by the terms and conditions of the relevant national collective labour agreement (CCNL) negotiated from time to time by the Italian government, the trade unions and employer organisations.  These standard contracts make provision for a series of provisions applicable to the hire of individual employees in Italy. Regardless of […]

Occasional Services

Advance Communication of Occasional Hires The Labour-Fiscal Decree no. 146 2021, linked to the Budget Law 2022, introduced the obligation of prior communication of the use of occasional self-employment. On this subject, the Labour Inspectorate has published note no. 29-2022, with instructions on how to […]

Do I need to file an Italian Tax Return?

The answer is most probably yes as the reader will desume from reading the instructions from the Italian tax return (these are from the 2023 return). The rules are complex and there are many exceptions and derogations. The rules can be summarised as follows, but […]

Tax credit for employment income

Italy has no personal relief nor (any longer) a no-tax zone.  This means that you start paying income (at 23% – see the marginal rates here) of the first euro of income.  However Italy has an intricate system of tax credits (described as “deduzioni” – […]

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