The Italian Representative Office

Foreign companies are able to register (with Business Registry at the Italian Chamber of Commerce.) If the company intends to carry on certain limited activate operate in the territory of a foreign country, without necessarily having to establish itself in one of the corporate forms […]

delete me 2019 Tax Update

Below you will find, the slides of our recent tax update in Cernobbio.  If you have any questions feel to drop us a message.    

Degrees of Kinship and Affinity Under Italian Law

The Italian Civil Code (Articles 74 ff) contain the criteria for determining the degree of kinship and affinity of your relatives.  This degree is a fundamental concept in Italian law and is an essential part of, among other things, the rules of inheritance and succession. […]

Setting up a Cultural Association in Italy

Creating a cultural association is an opportunity to carry out activities in various fields, such as cinema, entertainment, art, culture, civic and social education, environmental protection, establishment of courses, social issues of various kinds etc. Whilst it is possible just to create an association with […]

Paying Italian Tax without an Italian bank account

Taxes It is possible to pay Italian tax (not social security contributions)  without an Italian bank account.  You need to find the relevant account for the tax payment you want to make and then in the “causale” (description) box you put in the following Tax […]

Who we are

Over the years the Italian government and authorities have been working hard to consolidate and simplify the Italian tax system. However, like may tax systems in sophisticated modern States, the system is complex. This is a result of an organic growth of the rules, continued […]

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