Table of Interest Rates – Income Tax

The rates of interest on overdue tax is a matter of some complexity. The Italian Parliament has, over the years, proposed simplification but the relevant draft legislation has not so far been enacted. Numerous different rates apply to different kinds of tax in different circumstances.  […]

Hiring an Employee – the Permanent Establishment risk

A non-Italian business considering employing an individual in Italy needs to consider whether the activities carried on by an Italian based employee in Italy create a corporate income tax (IRES) liability on the profit attributable those activities. Foreign corporations with a “permanent establishment” (or fixed […]

TFR – the Trattamento di Fine Rapporto or Employee Leaving Indemnity

What is the TFR? Employment agreements in Italy are generally governed by the terms and conditions of the relevant national collective labour agreement (CCNL) negotiated from time to time by the Italian government, the trade unions and employer organisations.  These standard contracts make provision for a series of provisions applicable to the hire of individual employees in Italy. Regardless of […]

Occasional Services

Advance Communication of Occasional Hires The Labour-Fiscal Decree no. 146 2021, linked to the Budget Law 2022, introduced the obligation of prior communication of the use of occasional self-employment. On this subject, the Labour Inspectorate has published note no. 29-2022, with instructions on how to […]

Petrol/Gas coupons

Decree Law no. 21/2022 (the “Ukraine” Decree) provides, for FY 2022, for the possibility of giving employees with up to Euro 200 worth of petrol coupons. Up to that limit the monetary amount  provided is exempt from Italian social security contributions and income tax. The […]

Tax Step Up of Shares/Land and Buildings – Revaluation

Law Decree no. 17 of March 1, 2022, containing urgent measures for the containment of electricity and natural gas costs, the development of renewable energy and the relaunch of industrial policies, known as the Energy Decree was published in the Official Gazette no. 50 of […]

The SPID – Italian digital identity

What is it? The Public Digital Identity System, or SPID (pronounced “speed”) which started life in March 2016, is an online identity system.  Through a single user name and password along with a one time password generated via a smart phone, individuals with an Italian […]

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