Personal income tax (IRPEF) rates from 1 January 2022 up to 31 December 2023

Italian rates of individual income tax 2021

These are the personal income tax rates that apply from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023. For applicable rates before FY 2022 please click this link

For applicable rates after 2023 date please click this link

FY 2022 and FY 2023 Rates of Italian Income Tax

(based on annual income)

Bracket of Income (annual amounts)


Cumulative Tax to Top of Band

On the first € 15,000


€ 3,450

Above  € 15,000 up to  € 28,000


€ 6,700

Above  € 28,000 up to € 50,000


€ 14,400

Over € 50,000


On top of the above rates you need to add 

the municipal tax supplement (imposta addizionale comunale) which ranges from 0.1% to 0,9%

and the 

supplemental regional tax which varies from 0.70% to 3.33% 

depending on region 

and bracket of income

Bracket of Income

You can search below for your Region and Municipality (Comune) and find the applicable rates of Additional Regional and Municipal Taxes.

Searches are in the Italian language on the Italian Ministry Web Site and may not be up to date as some Regions and many Municipalities have not yet published the FY 2024 rates and bands.

Department of Finance Additional Regional Tax Rates

Department of Finance  Additional Municipal Tax Rates

Bracket of Income

Imposta Sostitutiva/Substitute Tax

The rates shown above apply only to  income which is not subject to imposta sostititva (“substitute tax”) which applies in place of the main national income, regional and municipal tax shown above. Whether substitute tax depends on the type of income, the treatment under law and, in some case, the election of the taxpayer.


Examples of income that are subject to tax at the rates shown in the above table are: 

  • income from employment
  • pension income (except for qualifying pensions in the South of Italy (see below)
    income from self employment
  • rent from Italian property (where the option to substitute tax is not taken)
    rent from non Italian property 
  • royalty income 
  • miscellaneous income

Examples of income that are liable to substitute tax are:

  • income from pensions where the option to substitute tax at 7% has been taken (NB. if the option has been taken the 7% will apply to all income).
  • income from investments, interest, dividends, capital gains  – generally taxed at 26% flat rate. Lower rates may apply.  
  • income from a self employment carried out under the flat tax regime for small business
  • income for renting Italian property for the option for taxation at a flat rate of 21% on gross receipts has not been taken (cedolare secco).
The substitute tax applies to investment income and rental income only where the person receiving the relevant income does not do so in the course f a business activity (e.g financial trading or carrying out a property letting business). 

8 Comments on Personal income tax (IRPEF) rates from 1 January 2022 up to 31 December 2023

  1. […] The Flat Rate Tax Scheme is optional, so taxpayers (at least those who are not already registered under an older scheme) should indicate advance when registering for VAT, and must confirm the option in their first annual tax return after registering, whether they wish to take the benefit of the scheme.  If they do not then they will be subject to tax on their net profit at the usual scale rates. […]

    • Hi Anna
      As an Italian resident in receipt of pension income You can earn up to about Euro 8,000 per year by way of pension income without be liable to tax (providing you have no other income liable to tax at marginal rates). The exact amount of the threshold depends on your personal circumstances – eg. whether you have any other tax deductions or credits – e.g healthcare/pharmaceutical costs, qualifying home refurbishment/energy saving expenses etc. Above that amount you still get a tax credit for pension income but reduces in line with taxable income. All this presupposes yo do not qualify for the special regime for pensioners living in small towns in the South of Italy

  2. As a UK national now resident in Italy, my sole income is UK State Pension.
    Am I liable for Income Tax on this? If so I presume I can use the 7% flat tax for the South ( Scalea – Calabria ). Thanks.

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