Client Feedback Form Legal and Tax Resources in Italy, in English How did you find our firm?*1 - Consulate/Embassy Website2 - Networking event3 - Web search4 - Word of Mouth5 - Other How well did we serve you?*1- Awful2- Sufficient3 - Not bad4- Quite well actually5- Excellent How likely are you to recommend our firm to others?*1 - You have to be joking2 - Might do in a pinch3- Probably4 - Definately5- I am already spreading the word Our response times were...*1 - Abysmal2 - Not good enough3 - Acceptable4 - Very Good 5- Excellent Our fees were..*1 - Extortionate2 - A tad expensive3 - In line with the norm4 - Good value for money5 - Unexpectedly cheap Other comments. What could we have done to serve you better?SubmitReset