Living in Italy – Working Through a Foreign Company

Tax Resident in Italy Doing business Through a Non Italian Company Modern information technology permits people to work from a laptop or computer wherever they find themselves. In the circumstances, you might think that using a foreign company can help reduce your tax burden.  It […]

The Interpello – Advance Tax Ruling

What is it? The “interpello” procedure gives a taxpayer the possibility of obtaining an advance  written opinion from the Italian Tax Agency on a particular question or tax related issue. Qualifying persons: both resident and non-resident taxpayers are entitled to forward the query to the […]

The Italian Fiscal Code Number

The Fiscal Code Number (Codice Fiscale, Italian taxpayers’ identification number, TIN, tax code, call it what you like) is a unique taxpayer code that identifies all individuals in their dealings with the Italian authorities  […]

Second payment on account

By 30 November of each year, Italian taxpayers must make payment of the second payment on account. The first payment was due earlier in the year at the same time as the tax due on income reported in your latest annual tax return.  The amount […]

Request an Italian Fiscal Code Number

We have teamed up with ILF Law Firm  to offer the service of obtaining your Italian Fiscal Code Number (codice fiscale).   Read on for more details. Obtain your Italian Fiscal Code Are you a foreigner requiring an Italian fiscal code? Look no further than […]