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Italy Tax Year

Italian Tax Year

The tax year in Italy ends on 31 December of each year.
Companies, partnership and other bodies corporate can choose their own financial year end and direct tax filings will be set according to their chosen accounting period.  VAT returns however are based on the calendar year. 

Italian Tax Brackets

This post contains the latest tax brackets

Italian Personal Income Tax

Italian income tax for individuals



Italian income tax for individuals (IRPEF – imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche) was introduced in more or less its current form with the 1974 reform of the tax system, by DPR 597/73 and contained 32 rates (from 10% to 72%) for income brackets from 2 to 500 million lire.

Presidential Decree no. 917/1986 brought together the IRPEF regulations in a single code abolishing the original legislation.

IRPEF was renamed IRE in 2004 but the change never caught on and Law 296/2006 brought the name back to IRPEF.

Qualified shareholding

Qualifying shareholding

Significant Shareholding

This article covers the definition of “partecipazione qualificata” – literally qualified shareholding but easier to understand if translated as “significant shareholding.”

This blog post explains all.


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