The Interpello – Advance Tax Ruling

What is it?

The “interpello” procedure gives a taxpayer the possibility of obtaining an advance  written opinion from the Italian Tax Agency on a particular question or tax related issue.

Qualifying persons: both resident and non-resident taxpayers are entitled to forward the query to the Italian Revenue Agency. The query has to be submitted before the application of the tax provisions.

Benefits: the Italian Revenue Agency cannot issue assessments or impose fines or penalties that would be in contrast with the opinion expressed in the advance ruling.

The advance ruling is a “tax compliance measure” allowing taxpayers to orient their behavior and, consequently, to prevent litigations with the Revenue Agency. Essentially, resident and non-resident taxpayers can submit to the Italian Revenue Agency formal queries to obtain clarifications on the correct application of a specific tax provision.

Who can Submit a Request

Both resident and non-resident taxpayers (directly or by means of their elective representatives in Italy) are entitled to forward a query to the Italian Revenue Agency. The Italian Revenue Agency can accept a request for an advance ruling only when taxpayers require clarifications about a tax provision:

  • whose interpretation is objectively uncertain
  • relating to state (and not local) taxes
  • applicable to a real (not hypothetical) and personal case

The request must be submitted before the relevant tax provision is applied (for example, before submitting the tax return, before applying a withholding tax, before issuing an invoice, etc.).


The opinion expressed by the Revenue Agency in the advance ruling is not binding on the taxpayer, however, it is binding on the Revenue Agency, that cannot issue assessments or impose fines or penalties that would be in contrast with the opinion expressed in the advance ruling.

The Revenue Agency has 90 days to reply to the query and other 60 days if, in the meantime, asks further clarification or documents to taxpayers to form its opinion. If the Revenue Agency doesn’t answer within the time limits, the taxpayer’s interpretation is deemed to be accepted on the basis of a tacit consent.

How to Submit a Request

Taxpayers requesting an advance ruling have to submit a query, signed by the taxpayer or by his/her authorized representative, containing the following information:

  • type of ruling required
  • identification details of the taxpayer or of the representative (tax identification number, Vat number, address, contacts, including telefax or phone number, email address)
  • detailed description of the case that raises the interpretative issue, with identification of the objectively uncertain provision the taxpayer needs to apply and the solution proposed by the taxpayer
  • mandate or power of attorney, in case the query is not submitted by the taxpayer himself.

In the event that the request is lacking the above data, other than those related to the identification of the applicant and the accurate description of the case, the Office gives the taxpayer the opportunity to correct those deficiencies. The missing information must be provided within 30 days.

Generally, taxpayers, including permanent establishments, have to submit advance ruling queries to the Regional Directorate competent for the area where the taxpayer is domiciled for tax purposes.

Non-resident taxpayers and large taxpayers, including permanent establishments – with a turnover not below 100 million euro – have to submit their queries to the Taxpayers’ Division (certified email:

Queries may be submitted by:

  • hand delivery at the headquarters of the competent Regional Directorate, that is, at the Taxpayers’ Division in Via Giorgione, 106 – 00147 Rome from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
  • registered mail with return receipt
  • certified mail (PEC)- addresses – pdf
  • by email – only for non-resident taxpayers which do not have an address for service in the territory of the State – to

In the case of electronic transmission, the ruling must be signed with a digital signature or, if signed with a handwritten signature, it must be completed with a copy of an identity document.

Types of Advance Tax Rulings

  • Ordinary ruling: All taxpayers, including non-residents, may submit a query to obtain an opinion about the correct interpretation of an objectively uncertain tax provision or in case the objective uncertainty is related to the legal and fiscal analysis of a specific case. The interpretation of a tax provision is “objectively uncertain” when there is no official interpretation available (circular letters, resolutions, etc.) that applies to the taxpayer’s specific case or when such official interpretation is too generic;
  • Probatory ruling: taxpayers can request an opinion about the fulfilment of the conditions and the assessment of the elements of proof required for the adoption of specific tax regimes, in cases expressly provided by law;
  • Anti-abuse ruling: taxpayers can ask an opinion about the application of the “abuse of lawt” principle to a specific case, aiming at verifying if a transaction may be considered as abusive;
  • Anti-avoidance ruling: a ruling in order to fight tax avoidance aimed at the disapplication of tax provisions limiting deductions, tax benefits, tax credits or other subjective positions of the taxpayer.

Legislation and Guidance

Tax Agency web site

Provvedimento del 31/05/2018 (IT) – pdf

Allegato A – Indirizzi di posta elettronica certificata (PEC) (IT) – pdf

Decreto legislativo n. 156 del 24 settembre 2015 – pdf – Misure per la revisione della disciplina degli interpelli e del contenzioso tributario, in attuazione degli articoli 6, comma 6, e 10, comma 1, lettere a) e b), della legge 11 marzo 2014, n. 23

Articolo 24-bis del Tuir – pdf – Opzione per l’imposta sostitutiva sui redditi prodotti all’estero realizzati da persone fisiche che trasferiscono la propria residenza fiscale in Italia

Decreto legislativo n. 147 del 14 settembre 2015 – pdf – Disposizioni recanti misure per la crescita e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese

Decreto legislativo n. 128 del 5 agosto 2015 – pdf – Disposizioni sulla certezza del diritto nei rapporti tra fisco e contribuente, in attuazione degli articoli 5, 6 e 8, comma 2, della legge 11 marzo 2014, n. 23

Provvedimento del 1° marzo 2018 – pdf – Regole procedurali per le istanze di interpello presentate ai sensi dell’articolo 11 della legge 27 luglio 2000, n.212, recante Statuto dei diritti del contribuente, dell’articolo 2 del decreto legislativo 14 settembre 2015, n. 147 e dell’articolo 6, comma 2, del decreto legislativo 5 agosto 2015, n. 128 ed ai fini dell’applicazione dell’articolo 24-bis del decreto del Presidente della repubblica del 31 dicembre 1986, n. 917 (TUIR) (pubblicato il 1/03/2018)

Provvedimento dell’8 marzo 2017
ModalitĂ  applicative per l’esercizio, la modifica o la revoca dell’opzione di cui al comma 1 dell’articolo 24-bis del testo unico delle imposte sui redditi, di cui al decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 22 dicembre 1986, n. 917 (TUIR), e per il versamento dell’imposta sostitutiva di cui al comma 2 del medesimo articolo 24-bis (Pubblicato l’ 8/03/2017)

Provvedimento del 20 maggio 2016 – pdf – Individuazione dell’Ufficio competente alla trattazione delle istanze di interpello sui nuovi investimenti e alla verifica della corretta applicazione delle risposte rese. – Attuazione dell’articolo 2, comma 6, del decreto legislativo 14 settembre 2015, n. 147, “Disposizioni recanti misure per la crescita e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese” (Pubblicato il/05/2016)

Provvedimento del 14 aprile 2016
Disposizioni concernenti i requisiti di accesso al regime di adempimento collaborativo disciplinato dagli articoli 3 e seguenti del decreto legislativo del 5 agosto 2015, n. 128 (Pubblicato il 14/04/2016)

Circolare n. 7 del 28 marzo 2023 – pdf – Nuovi chiarimenti in tema di interpello sui nuovi investimenti (articolo 2 del decreto legislativo 24 settembre 2015, n. 147)

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